Aadhar is a unique identification number that contains 12-digits. It is a voluntary service from the Government of India to their residents. Aadhar is the most important identity proof or document and it is issued by the Unique Identification Authority Of India (UIDAI). It consists of all biometric and demographic data of an individual. Nowadays, as per the news information, the parents can easily apply for their child’s Aadhar card through online mode as well as offline mode. The report says that those children who are less than 5 years old will not have to provide their biometric data as their unique identity will be based on their demographic data and the photograph will be connected with the unique identity of their parents. However, when the child will turn to the age of 5 till 15 he/she will have to provide biometric details such as the ten fingers print, iris, and photographs.
Now if we talk about the Aadhar seeding process of a newborn, so, it is quite simple and easy as that of the Adults. For the offline mode enrollment, the parents just have to pay a visit to their nearest Aadhar seeding center along with their child and fill the given Aadhar seeding form. The parents have to take all the important documents, reference numbers, and the printout of the given form to the Aadhar enrolment center on the appointment date. The birth certificate of the child and the Aadhar card of the parents or guardian will be required for the Aadhar seeding process. The biometric information will not be useful for children who are below five years. Their Aadhar card will be connected with their parent’s Aadhar.
Now the online mode for Aadhar seeding is also available for the parents who can easily enroll their child’s Aadhar through online mode. The following are the steps for online Aadhar seeding:
• First of all, you have to open the website of the Unique Identification Authority of India.
• After opening the website select the Aadhar Registration option
• Now simply fill in all the information such as the child’s name, parents’ phone number, email address, and some other information.
• After completing the above mention step, now you have to enter the demographic details such as a residential address, locality, district, state, and some other info.
• Now move forward and decide a date for the registration of Aadhar by clicking on the fixed Appointment option.
• Parents can select the nearest Aadhar seeding center for further procedures.
In short, the process of Aadhar enrollment for the newborn baby is different from adults. These are the parents whose Aadhar plays a key role. It is the dire need and responsibility of the parents to get their newborn enrolled as soon as possible. These are our future and our country’s success depends on the shoulder of this new generation. If we do not play our role, the next generation will not pardon us and we will have to answer them for our selfishness and irresponsibility.