Aadhar is a unique number that contains 12 digits. It is issued by the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) to the residents of India. The overall purpose to introduce the Aadhar system was to improve Government’s statistics so that proper welfare strategies can be developed for the public.
Aadhar act 2016 is the main framework that grants all the powers and rights to UIDAI to enroll the people of India. This organization is responsible for every step involved in Aadhar from enrollment to the update process. As the enrollment process is not an easy task keeping in view the huge population of India. UIDAI decided to open the Aadhar Kendra center all over the country to help residents get registered with Government as quickly as possible. Initially, centers were launched in the public and private sectors. However, due to data leakages issues of people’s personal data, private Aadhar centers have been shut down all over the country.
Book an Appointment for an Aadhar card online?
There are multiple methods to apply for the Aadhar card such as the Online and Offline procedure. The offline method is time-consuming as you have to visit any Aadhar center and wait for your number. If the line is long, then you will have to wait at least an hour in order to perform the necessary steps to get an Aadhar card. On the other hand, the online method is very comfortable and saves a lot of time. When you book an appointment online, you will be given a schedule so that you can visit the Aadhar center at a particular time.
Steps to book appointment using the online method
- Visit enroll section of the UIDAI web portal. This web portal has everything that can help the residents of India save time and money. People can perform various tasks from this web portal without visiting any Aadhar center.
- Now you will be presented with conditions for enrollment request.
- Now click the option that says you have not enrolled for Aadhar earlier.
- Input the security code or captcha code as shown in the image.
- Now choose the area or state where you live. Click the button confirm & move. This actually signifies your consent with terms & conditions of the use of the UIDAI portal and online booking.
- You will be presented with an enrollment request application form.
- Input your demographic details such as name, address, mobile number, and sex, etc. in the form.
- Press Save & Proceed button to save the data you just entered in the previous step.
- For your final review, all the data entered will be displayed. You must carefully read the information about yours at this step because it is the right time to correct mistakes if you have made any during the data entry stage.
- Click the submit button.
- You should see a message on the screen to visit the Aadhar enrollment center.